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How To Insulate A Floor Framed With Beams

Tom Z. of Newport, RI wrote:

Help me Itchy,

My father in law is having his new home framed with post and beam construction for the floor. He plans on insulating it himself (which means me!) What's the best and easiest way to insulate a unfinished floor with beams.

Good old post and beam floor insulating. This actually goes pretty fast because your using wide fiberglass batts. You'll need to measure the square footage of the floor area and also the distance between the beams. Go to the home improvement store and get the rolls of insulation needed. These come in varieties of 3 to 4 feet in width. You'll also need some wood lathe to attach to the underside of the beams. While you're there, grab some visqueen to use as a vapor barrier. If you don't already own one, you'll need to head over to the rental store and get a staple gun capable of attaching the lathe to the beams.

Okay, let's get started. Get on your protective clothing, dust mask and don't forget goggles. The lathe strips need to be attached to the underside of the beams to support the insulation on top. Staple lengths of lathe across the underneath side of the beams every 12".

Once done roll out the insulation on top of the lathe you've just installed.



You will most likely need to cut strips of the insulation batts to fill larger gaps. For smaller areas you can stuff it with scrap insulation. Make sure you're not covering any vents. If you run into plumbing insulate on both sides of it.


Finally, you need to attach a vapor barrier. Using a utility knife cut sections of the visqueen to fit across the beams and staple them securely to the top of the beams.

Related Tips and Advice:

How To Insulate A New Unfinished Floor
How To Insulate Unvented Crawl Spaces

How To Insulate Your Attic With Fiberglass Batts or Blankets
How To Install Blown In Insulation In Your Attic
How To Insulate A Concrete Wall

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