"The Worlds Largest Do It Yourself Insulating Website!"
            Itchy's  Do It Yourself Home Insulation
"If you ain't itchin you ain't insulating"



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Yes, this is me, and this is my biography and blog! My real name is Jerry Holt but so far I have had over a million website visitors from all over the world that know me as "Itchy", so I guess it works for me.

I created my website, Itchy's Do It Yourself Insulation for the do it yourself person who wants to save money. It's a down to earth website with no B.S. and it's going to stay that way. I'm not insulating anymore but I've spent about 15 years in the insulating field and have done just about every kind of insulation application out there. I've crawled over dead critters in the crawl space and insulated scorching attics in the summer.


Because of the nature of the construction industry you sometimes have to travel to where the work is and I have insulated homes in the cold winters of Idaho to the hot summers of Arizona and to the mild climate of Oregon which is where I have made my home in the Portland suburbs. Through the years I've insulated miles of walls and thousands of attics.

The reason I created this website is for you, the consumer. My goal is to help you save on you energy bill.

So if you don't mind getting a little dirty, sweaty and a little itchy I'll show you how to weatherize your home by insulating it yourself. Sometimes it also might require some swearing to get the job done properly, but who cares, usually nobody can hear you anyway! On my website you will find pages covering almost every aspect of insulating a home. Insulating is definitely not rocket science and I think you'll find my instructions easy to follow.

Times are tough! Our economy is hurting. President Obama has promised to provide energy saving tax breaks and to introduce weatherization programs to help us become more independent of the utility companies and foreign oil. I will keep you posted as these events take place. In the mean time, I have posted the most recent tax breaks and weatherization assistance programs on this website that I am aware of. If you know of any others please let me know at the email address below.

I welcome emails from my readers and answer all of them. Some of the questions I will post them right here on this website along with the answer. If you have any questions I can be reached by email at [email protected].

Thanks for visiting and remember, "If Your Ain't Itchin You Ain't Insulating".


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