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Why Should I Add Insulation To My Home?

Why should you insulate you home? There are many reasons.

How much you'll save depends on several factors. The area you live in, the size of your house and what type of fuel you use all need to be taken into consideration. Making sure you have adequate insulation will save you money and make your home more comfortable.

There are many types of insulation and methods of installing it.

Here are a few:

Fiberglass Batts (or Blankets)
Loose Fill (or Blown In)

They all have the same common goal - to prevent heat and cold from transferring from the interior of your home to the outside.

Insulation performance is based on it's R-Value. The higher the R-Value the greater resistance it has to heat flow. R-Values vary depending on the type of insulation, it's density and thickness.

How Much Insulation Do I Need?

How To Insulate A Skylight

How To Insulate A Water Heater

How To Insulate A Wall Switch or Outlet



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