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Consumer Energy Tax Credits

OK guys. I know last year I was slacking and didn't get the tax credits listed on this website until March and I heard about it from some of you. No need to gripe to me this year because I have it posted earlier. But you might want to bitch about the lack of credits available. In fact it appears to be even worse!

Our fearless leaders in Washington didn't do much of anything regarding insulation and weatherization tax credits. In fact, according to U.S. Department of Energy reports last years credits haven't been extended into 2012. 

Here is what I know of so far. If I learn any more I'll post it and if you find out of any additional information please let me know:

If you bought any of the below items before 12/31/11 you can take the credits for tax year 2011:

Skylights, doors and windows
Water Heaters
HVAC systems
Biomass stoves

Products eligible for tax credits through 2016 are:

Geothermal heat pumps
Fuel cells
Solar energy systems
Wind energy systems

Sorry renters, you get nothing this year.... again.

Before you go out and purchase anything make sure it qualifies for the credit. In fact, not all Energy Star rated products will qualify.

You may also be able to get some help from your state also. The NAIMA website has a list of energy saving incentives that each state has to offer:


Don't forget to check with your state and local utility companies. Many have weatherization programs that may be of benefit to you. 



Related Tips and Advice:

How To Measure Your Attic For Insulation
How To Install A Vapor Barrier On Walls
How To Insulate A Water Heater
How To Install Weatherstripping On A Garage Door

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