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Home Air Infiltration and Leaks

Reducing air infiltration in the home has many benefits. Aside from making your home more comfortable you will also realize savings on your energy bill.

Sealing air leaks in the home is a fairly easy do it yourself project. Once you determine where the leaks are coming from it's simple to block air infiltration and there are several methods you can use:

*Caulk is great for small holes or cracks and pipes with gaps where they come through the wall.

*Foam Sealants can be used to fill larger areas.

*Weather Stripping around doors and windows.

*Door sweeps to seal the gap underneath your door

In these web pages I'll show you how to reduce you energy bill by up to 15%, depending on your situation:

How To Weather Strip Doors and Windows

How To Seal Air Leaks

How To Apply Caulk



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