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Should I Insulate The Wall Plates?

Brian wrote:

When using fiberglass batt in the ceiling do I have to first insulate the wall plate above the wall header then bring the insulation down to meet it or can I just bring the insulation down to touch the wall plate without insulating the plate.

Hi Brian

The answer is no as long as you're referring to wall plates - some rim joists need insulated. There is no need to insulate wall plates. But you do want to make sure they have been completely sealed to prevent air infiltration. By this I mean fill any holes such as areas where plumbing and wiring come through. Just use a good caulk to fill these holes before insulating. If you don't have any caulk you could stuff the openings with scrap insulation also.

When installing the ceiling insulation place the batt so it meets the wall plate but make sure to allow for room for ventilation. You don't want to cover the vents with insulation.

Good luck with your project.


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