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How To Measure Your Home For Insulation

Measuring for insulation is not difficult. There are a few factors that will determine how much insulation you will need.

Floors, attics and walls all require insulation of different R-Values which are measured by the thickness of the insulation. The R-Value determines how well the insulation will resist heat flow. The higher the R-Value the more resistance it has to heat and cold.

If you are adding to existing insulation there is another factor to consider. You will have to determine the R-Value of the existing to know how much additional insulation to add.

If you are adding fiberglass batts, you will need to measure the distance between the studs to determine the correct width of insulation to purchase.

These are a few of the items involved in measuring your home for insulation. So, break out your ladder, ruler, tape measure and a flashlight and let's figure out how much insulation you'll need:

How Much Wall Insulation Do I Need?

How To Measure Attics For Insulation

How Much Floor Insulation Do I Need?



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