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How To Insulate A Concrete Wall




Hey Itchy,

My basement needs insulating but the problem is the walls are concrete. How do you insulate a concrete wall?

Before you can insulate the concrete walls you are going to have to construct some framing for the insulation to attach itself to. The easiest way is to install wood furring strips to the concrete wall. I'm not going to explain how to install furring strips in this article but you can find plenty of websites that will show you how to do it. A wood frame can be built on the floor and then stood up and attached to the concrete wall. You can build it either 24" on center or 16" on center between each stud, depending on your preference. Make sure your measurements are precise.If you don't want to be itching and scratching yourself all night long you should wear some protective clothing and don't forget a dust mask.



If you framed with 2X6 you'll want to use R-19 kraft faced batt insulation. If you framed with 2X4 you'll need R-13 batts. Place the batts between the studs and secure to the frame by stapling the paper taps to the face of the studs. Make cuts where necessary for irregular shapes and sizes needed. The easiest way to cut kraft insulation batts is with a utility knife, cutting through the fiberglass side of the batt. Make sure you fill any gaps or holes with scrap insulation.

Another method of insulating concrete walls is with foam board but only if you plan on installing sheetrock over it. The reason I say this is because this stuff burns easily and quickly. The foam board can be cut to fit and is attached by gluing it to the wood furring strips. Make sure you cover the entire wall with a vapor barrier after you have insulated the concrete walls. Usually visqueen, about six-mil, will work fine. Simply staple it to the furring strips.

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How To Insulate Knee Walls
How To Insulate An Unvented Crawl Space
How To Insulate A Floor In A Vented Crawl Space
How To Insulate Wood Stud Walls


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