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Tips On How To Save Energy In The Winter

* Insulate the water heater with a blanket of insulation.

* Insulate the hot and cold water pipes.

* Add insulation to the attic if necessary. Check your local building code or utility company for the recommended r-value for your area.

* You can reflect heat into the room using foil reflectors behind the radiators.

* Lower the thermostat to 65 to 70 degrees.

* Weatherstrip the doors and windows.

* If you don't have storm windows you can make your own using plastic sheeting. You could also install thermal shades or shutters.

* Lower the water heater temperature to 120 degrees.

* Install foam insulation gaskets behind the wall switches and outlets to reduce air infiltration.

* Seal any air leaks coming from pipes and wiring coming through the walls.

* Wrap the ductwork with insulation.

* Inspect and change the furnace filter if necessary.



Related Tips and Advice:

How To Save Energy In The Summer
How To Insulate A Water Heater
How To Install Weatherstripping
Energy Tax Credits
How To Insulate A Wall Switch Or Outlet

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