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Adding Blown In Insulation In Walls
With Existing Insulation




Dear Itchy, thanks for your website.

My 60 year old home has fiberglass in the exterior wall cavity, but it's not in great shape (I saw some of it during a kitchen and bathroom redo). I added blown-in insulation in the attic 2 year ago. Will blown-in insulation work in exterior wall cavities if fiberglass is already there?

North Wales, PA

It would work with existing insulation but the problem in installing it. It would be almost impossible to blow insulation into the wall cavities with existing insulation already in place.

You have quite a project ahead of you. The insulation you have in place would need to be removed.


You could remove the drywall but that would be a costly ordeal. If you have siding you could try removing some of the boards and try to pull the existing insulation out. If you're able to remove it you could then follow my procedures for blowing insulation into covered walls by clicking here.

Retrofit projects such as yours are sometimes tough to do and can be costly. If you're unable to remove the insulation you might want to consider applying a wall covering. You can find these at your local home improvement store. I don't know much about these and can't attest as to how well they work but they claim to have a R-Value from R-3 to R-5. That's not what you're trying to achieve but at least it would be better than what you have at the moment.

Good luck with your project.

Related Tips and Advice:

Insulating Uncovered Walls With Fiberglass Batts
How To Insulate A Concrete Wall
How To Check Walls For Existing Insulation
How To Insulate Kneewalls

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